University of Applied sciences Eindhoven, BA Marketing and Communications
Dedicated 20 years of his life in developing and building one of the most reputated Dutch marketing and communication agencies. BVH-groep in Rotterdam. Acted 17 years as managing director. Started his career in the Unilever advertising agency Lintas. Spent a decade in the board of the Vea (adversiting agency association). Was one of the founders of the CMC (Centre for brand and communication). And member of the Effie Jury.

Michel van Honk served and is still serving the Dutch community by participating in several social activities and advisory boards. Chaired the SIRE foundation for four years. Was member of the semi-governmental workgroup ‘Andere Overheid’, chaired by Gerrit-Jan Wolffensperger. In the 28 years of working experience he advised more than 150 companies in a wide variety of businesses. Joined The Source in 2011 as Partner.